基本情况:满荣勇,毕业于东京医科齿科大学,医学博士,曾系东京医科齿科大学助理教授,英国伦敦皇家自由医院访问学者、访问团副团长。《The Clinical Neurologist International》编委。现怀化市第一人民医院内科第四支部书记、中心实验室主任、科教科副科长、副主任医师、神经内科副主任。湖南省党代表、省卫健委225人才计划及省人社厅121创新计划人才、省医学会神经内科专业委员会“先进青年医师”、省神经病学免疫学组委员、湖南医药学院第一届学术委员会委员、南华大学及澳门bet356体育在线官网硕士生导师、南华大学优秀教师。怀化市神经病学专业委员会副主任委员,怀化市“双创计划”引进人才,市十大杰出青年、市优秀共产党员、市第四届政协委员、市留学人员联谊会会长。在《Plos One》、《Journal of Immunology》、《Journal of Molecular Neuroscience》等国际期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。
1 Rong-Yong M , Taishi O , Emi K , et al. Augmented B lymphocyte response to antigen in the absence of antigen-induced B lymphocyte signaling in an IgG-transgenic mouse line[J]. Plos One, 2010.
2 Xu M-d, Rou R., Sato-Hayashizaki A., Man R-Y., Zhu C-H., Wakabayashi C., Hirose S., Adachi T., Tsubata, T. * Cd72c is a modifier gene that regulates Faslpr-induced autoimmune disease. J. Immunol. 190(11),5436-5445 2013
3 Xiao‐Feng Wang , Qing‐gan Zeng , Zeng Y ,Rong-Yong M, et al. Induction of GADD 45α protects M 17 neuroblastoma cells against MPP *[J]. Iubmb Life, 2015.
4 Qinggan Zeng,Rongyong Man ,Yifeng Luo,Ling Zeng ,Yushi Zhong ,et al.IRF-8 is Involved in Amyloid-β1-40 (Aβ1-40)-induced Microglial Activation: a New Implication in Alzheimer's Disease[J].J Mol Neurosc,2017.
5 Qian H ,Hu K ,Xie M ,Wu H ,Li W ,Wu B, Man R* ,et al. [Intracerebroventricular injection of miR-7 inhibits secondary brain injury induced by intracerebral hemorrhage via EGFR/STAT3 pathway in rats][J]. Xi bao yu fen zi mian yi xue za zhi = Chinese journal of cellular and molecular immunology, 2018.
6 Liang Cao, Nuzhat Shehla, Bin Lia∗, Yuqing Jian, Caiyun Peng, Wenbing Sheng, Leping Liu, Xiong Cai, Rongyong Man, Duan-Fang Liao, M. Iqbal Choudhary, Atta-ur Rahman, Wei Wang∗, Schinortriterpenoids from Tujia ethnomedicine Xuetong—The stems of Kadsura heteroclita. Phytochemistry 169 (2020) 112178.
7 Liang Cao#, BinLia#, Nuzhat Shehla, Li-min Gong, Yu-Qing Jian, Cai-Yun Peng⁎, Wen-Bing Sheng, Le-Ping Liu, Xiong Cai, Rong-Yong Man, Duan-Fang Liao, Xiao-Qi Zhu, M. Iqbal Choudhary, Atta-ur-Rahman, Wei Wang*, Triterpenoids from stems of Kadsura heteroclite. Fitoterapia, doi.org/10.1016/j.fitote.2019.104441
8 Yupei Yang #, Yongbei Liu #, Muhammad Daniyal, Huanghe Yu , Qingling Xie, Bin Li, Yuqing Jian*, Rongyong Man, Sanhu Wang, Xiaoling Zhou, Bin Liu, Wei Wang*.New Lignans from Roots of Kadsura coccinea. Fitoterapia, 2019, in press.
9 Qingling Xie, Bin Li, Feibing Huang, Mengru Cao, Hanwen Yuan, Yongbei Liu, Wei Li, Yixing Qiu, Xiaoling Zhou, Rongyong Man, Wei Wang, Weining Zhang. Simultaneous Determination of 12 Bioactive Constituents in Bupi Yiqi No. 1 Recipe by Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of AOAC International. 2019, in press.
10 Ming-jiao Li ,Hong Xiao ,Yi-xing Qiu , Jian-hua Huang , Rong-yong Man* ,et al.Identification of potential diagnostic biomarkers of cerebral infarction using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemometrics][J].RSC Advances,2018.